The World Needs You to Align With Your Highest Self

A dandelion before and after transforming into its highest self

This Year Transform Into Your Highest Self

Lately, I have been noticing a growing interest in individuals who appear to have their lives put together and radiate an authentic sense of contentment. Many are captivated by these individuals and find themselves wondering the secret behind their inner glow. People are curious about the internal practices that allow them to maintain a radiant presence, regardless of the challenges life may bring their way.

If you have been noticing this around you lately, this may be one of the first clues that it’s time for you to take steps towards your own purging and healing too. It’s alright if you don’t know how others have a sense of peace and happiness within them. It’s okay if you aren’t sure what inner work it will take for you to see these same outer results. And it’s also okay to not know where to start. Remember, everyone's journey is unique, so take your time and trust in the process.

It may be beneficial to draw inspiration from the changing seasons, they can offer valuable insight. Winter invites us to embrace a slower pace, allowing for introspection and inner growth. Just as spring doesn't commence until March, there is no need to feel pressured by the symbolism of a new year in January. This period of transition provides the opportunity to tend to our inner landscape before moving forward. Now is the perfect time to reflect on who it is that you long to be.

Start Growing Towards Your Highest Self

There seems to be two types of people in this world. Those on a healing journey and those that are not. To be on a healing journey is to do the work to align with your highest self, at whatever pace you are able. It becomes the practice of your life in small steps that add to the bigger transformation. These people continue to face themselves with honesty, gradually moving closer to living authentically as their most favorite self. Those that are not honest with themselves are stuck in the cycle of denial. They merely go through the motions of life, avoiding taking any responsibility for their circumstances, and refusing to grow. Whether they realize it or not, their resistance to growth results in them digging themselves deeper into their inherited misaligned belief systems, patterns, and scarcity mindsets, stuck in a negative feedback loop.

How many times have you seen hurt people just hurt more people instead of redirecting their energy and using it with the intention of self-improvement? It’s important to let your feelings guide the way. After all, they are the gateway for you to connect with yourself. Our feelings are meant to be felt. However, the difference between those that are hurting others (and themselves) instead of using their feelings to show themselves what is truly unhealed within are only creating more misaligned circumstances and grief. There is no real peace or sustained happiness in projecting hurt onto another. You must take responsibility for your own pain and suffering. It’s the key to unlock what needs to be purged, healed, and shifted in order to become your highest self. It all comes back to you.

When we choose to act out of our pain, we are wasting energy we could be spending on our own healing. There is energy involved in any reaction, so making the conscious choice to send that energy and attention to something aligned with our highest good is powerful. This can be difficult at first. It’s important to remember that anything that isn’t automatic is a skill and skills take practice to develop. Keep an eye out for life to bring you opportunities to practice this skill and then do just that.

Let Your Highest Self Choose How You Respond in an Unpredictable World

The world is highly charged with energy right now. Most of us can agree that we are going through a huge change collectively, worldwide. We are living at the most rapid pace of global change we’ve ever witnessed in our history. We are more connected than ever through technology. Allowing any and all energy/feelings to move through you in the direction of your highest good, rather than allowing it to knock you off course means everyone wins! Yourself, all those you love, and even people you have never met.

And when we see others working on themselves, meeting themselves in honesty and self-reflection repeatedly, this can also reinforce the work that we are doing, creating an exponential domino effect of people standing in their power. We are helping to shape this new world we are living in with every choice we make, however small. Even tiny adjustments in a single individual can bring them closer to their highest self and thereby contribute to the total vibration of the collective. Being the change that you want to see in the world creates that change in the world and it all adds up.

If you are dedicated to alignment with your goals, even if progress seems slow, you are still moving forward. Trust in the process and your efforts, they are making a difference, and the effort will be well worth it in the end, every time. Life is unpredictable and no one is in control of anything outside of our own choices. The best way to prepare yourself to make the choices that are most aligned with your highest good is to take care of yourself.

Self-Care is Required to Grow Towards Your Highest Self

Making time to take care of your needs in mind, body, and soul is not just a luxury; it's a necessity. And making that switch in how you perceive self-care is required for making sure your needs are being met. In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to neglect self-care in favor of meeting external demands and obligations. However, neglecting our own needs ultimately leads to burnout, dissatisfaction, and a sense of emptiness. And it can spread to others.

When we prioritize self-care, we prioritize our own well-being. When our needs are met, our cup is full, and we are better equipped to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience. We have more energy, clarity of mind, and emotional stability to face whatever comes our way. Taking care of ourselves sends a powerful message to the universe that we value and respect ourselves, which in turn attracts more positivity and abundance into our lives, and it shows others how we are to be treated.

Prioritizing self-care also enables us to tune into what is aligned with our highest good seamlessly becoming more adept at discerning which is and which is not worth our time and energy. Learning to distinguish between what serves us and what doesn't is one of the most valuable skills we can develop in life. It requires self-awareness, introspection, and a willingness to prioritize our well-being above external expectations and pressures. This doesn't mean being selfish or self-absorbed; rather, it means recognizing that by taking care of ourselves, we become better equipped to show up fully for others and contribute positively to the world around us.

Hope Taylor in a blue dress by a mirror, smiling like she just completed the next cycle to becoming her highest self

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