How To Optimize Your Regimens with Brock Waluk

Blurred image at the gym where you can optimize your regimens

I met Brock around 2012 at the very beginning of my bodybuilding years. I've known him as a humble yet well-informed trainer who is constantly keeping himself up to date with his knowledge in the industry including how to optimize your regimens. 

Having witnessed his own personal transformation in mind, body, and soul over the years, Brock focuses on true personal development, hard work, and building a long-lasting community within his business. It has grown so much that he now has several amazing employees who have the same level of energy and commitment that he has.

Today, Brock talks about the power of training for longevity. That being said, you also need to be able to hold space for people so you can relate to them and for transformation to happen not only on a physical level, but also, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

One of the takeaways Brock shares in this interview is that action precedes motivation. If you're waiting for motivation, it might never come. And so, you need to do the thing first. Then once you do it, you actually feel more motivated to do the thing again and again. You just have to take that first step.

Brock Waluk grew up in the athletic world his whole life, participating in football, track, wrestling, and boxing.  After graduating High School, Brock attended the Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania to pursue a degree in Sports Medicine. 

Brock developed a passion for bodybuilding and helping people reach their health and nutrition goals. He learned that each person is unique and has individual needs when it comes to training and nutrition and that a personal training routine cannot be cookie-cutter to be effective.  

Brock became well-versed in anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics. Throughout the years, he has trained a variety of clients ranging from athletes, bodybuilders, professional MMA fighters, post-rehabilitation patients, and those wanting to lose weight and get back into a healthier lifestyle.  

Brock is certified by the nationally accredited NCCPT with certificates in personal training, weight management, functional training, and nutrient timing for peak performance.

To hear more about how to optimize your regimens or the following LISTEN to the full episode

  • When Brock started to develop his passion for training and nutrition

  • Recognizing he was just an average trainer so he had to up his game

  • The impact of health and fitness on people’s lives

  • How exercise can sometimes be more mental than it is physical

  • The goal of longevity is to reduce chronic inflammation

  • The many benefits of resistance training including reduced chronic inflammation

  • Why you’ve got to dial your nutrition in while training

  • How you get to become more relatable with people

  • How Spirit is working to benefit the next person's healing journey 

  • How people can get into the habit of moving the body

  • The biggest mistake trainers make

Weights and jumprope for optimizing your regimens with Brock Waluk.

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