Live Mediumship Readings

Oftentimes, when people get readings, not every single thing makes sense in that moment. 

It's the medium's job to listen to Spirit and to give what we get, but not to necessarily tell a story around it. If it doesn't make sense, that's okay. We can keep moving forward. 

But what I like to do with spirit is that if I don't necessarily get it correct, I ask them to show it to me in a different way. And there have been so many times where that hard "no" can turn into a "yes."

Things can change with trajectories and information. So just keep your heart and your mind open when you're getting a reading, to some of the things that may make sense or not make sense, and what the possibilities are – because Spirit knows more than we do.

Animals Connecting Through Me

It’s amazing how some animals have the same type of soul energy that I get with the loved ones on the other side and how they're bonded in some way. 

All it actually takes is the intention set to connect. 

At times, our animals show up and they pave the way to make us feel safe. Mediumship is new to some people so trust or rapport has to be developed first. And I just love it when our animals show up because they provide comfort, just like they did while they were here. 

They show us all the love to open our hearts and prepare us for maybe a more difficult type of connection that might come through where there are a lot of high emotions. 

How Carolyn Connected with Gentle Ben

In this particular reading I had with Carolyn, her puppy connected with her. Carolyn calls him "Gentle Ben." He was a very well-behaved and well-trained dog. 

The dog wanted to thank her for honoring his life and that he knows about how Carolyn is writing about him as one of the characters in her book. Ben loves her books and loves her writing about them by bringing the dogs into her experience. And every time another person reads Carolyn’s book, even if the dog is just a character, it's pulling them right in because this is all through intention. 

The dog is just always with Carolyn clearing her vibration and helping her to do the things she wants to do. It’s also funny how on the day of our reading, Carolyn was telling her sister on the phone that she hopes one of her dogs came through that evening. 

If you want to learn more about live mediumship readings, listen more!


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